Once on the roof, go to the far side and you can climb up the catwalk ramp there to the tower. Op on top either of the elevators and ride it to the top floor, which will let you out on the roof. Activate it and the elevators in the room will now be active. Walk directly forward and the power switch will be on the wall. Go through there paying the 750 points and you now be in the power room. Once you land, go through the open door and then make a right to the green double doors. Go to the end and then hop over the gap to the next building. Ride it down and make a right at the end of the hall. Kill a few zombies so that you have 750 points and then enter the elevator in the spawn area. Radios/Film Reels/T.V.The first thing that you will want to do when getting started in Die Rise is to turn on the power that will get the elevators moving so you can travel vertically and get back to the spawn area.
Pop Goes the Weasel/ No One Escapes Alive. Decompressive Isotopic Estrangement Machine Įquipment: Thrustodyne Aeronautics Model 23 īlack Ops DS Characters (Non-Canon): Michael Shaw. Slippery When Undead (15 / Bronze Trophy ) - In Die Rise, kill 5 zombies with a single shot from the Sliquifier. Crafting Table: It is located in the room below the power room. Wires and discs: It is either on the barrel next to where the debris was bought, or it is in the room upstairs with the showers and washing machines on a wooden stand. Handbrake: It is either in the power room on the tables by the elevators, or by the fridge near where you build the Sliquifier. Gas Canister: It is either next to where the Sliquifier is built in a green cage, or somewhere next to the power switch on a table. Mannequin Foot: Near the top of the staircase, next to the television. Including the power, the player must buy one door. Clearing the debris blocking the staircase is optional, as the area above it is accessible by elevator. Note: All parts are located in the same building. However, the actual damage is very low, and will rarely be fatal except to the most heavily damaged of players. The Sliquifier's shots cause splash damage, which can cause damage to the player and will stun them. Like regular weapons, if it runs out of ammo, it will still stay in the player's inventory and can be replenished via a Max Ammo drop. If a player holding the Sliquifier goes down and dies, or trades it in for something else, it will become obtainable from the Mystery Box. Unlike the Jet Gun, it is not used in the equipment slot, but rather as a weapon. It can kill with one shot until round 100, after which point it will start making crawlers.
With good luck and coordination, it is potentially possible to kill a huge number of zombies with one shot as the chain reaction can continuously reach more and more newly spawned zombies before the effect ends.
One shot can kill every Zombie in a group, as the blast chains. Zombies can explode if they come in direct contact with the liquid when the weapon is fired. This buildable weapon is made of four parts and fires an unknown purple liquid substance which creates a bubbly puddle on the floor that both players and zombies can slip on. The Sliquifier is a buildable Wonder Weapon that makes an appearance in the zombie map Die Rise.